10.06. - Berlin, Olympiastadion (Germany)
Depeche Mode dnes vystoupí na Olympijském stadionu v hlavním městě Německa.
Martin L.Gore, Daniel Miller, Christian Eigner a Peter Gordeno se jako hosté objevují na setkání fanoušků DM z celé Evropy v Berlíně. (Fletch se neobjevil, neboť byl unaven, Dave nechodí na žádné before či after party),
- Capacity : 75.000
- Support : M83, Polarkreis 18
Polarkreis18 na podiu
Téměř 80.000 skalních fanoušků z Německa a celé Evropy očekává na ohromujícím Olympijském stadionu v Berlíně Depeche Mode!
Na zářivé kouli se rozžhnula Corbijnova variace na písmena DM, Berlín šílí,
Show začala, Dave překvapen publikem
Best show so far..!! Great Dave, great Mart, great crowd..! Dave is really impressed by the crowd.. Lots of sing alongs going on.. Fantastic.. Fantastic.. Fantastic!!!
Dave messed up It´s No good. Too early.. But still big fun.. They were laughing crazily.. Really great show..
- In Chains
- Wrong
- Hole To Feed
- Walking In My Shoes
- It's No Good
Started to rain. But still great weather. Oh god.. He makes it aso all he can to make it a remarkable one..
One of the best DM shows I ever watched.. 80,000 driving wild here..!!
- A Question Of Time
- Precious
- Fly On The Windscreen
- Jezebel
- A Question Of Lust
- Come Back
- Peace
- In Your Room
- I Feel You
- Policy Of Truth
- Enjoy the silence
ETS is playing.. Unbelieavable sound here.. Crazy show.. I would put this one up there with Crystal Palace 93. Great great great..!!! Dave made some DJ sound kind of stuff during ETS.. He drove crazy also..!! Oh God..!! 80,000 dance floor with Dave is the main dancer..!!!
ETS.. Words are really not enough to explain here..!!!
- Never let me down again
Ohh.. God... !!!
- Stripped
- Master and servant
Dave said smth about 84 and Berlin after M&S...
- Strangelove..
Crowd fully into show..
- Personal Jesus
- Waiting for the Night
Bye bye
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Názory Devotees (83)