12.06 - Frankfurt, Commerzbank Arena (Germany)
Depeche Mode dnes čeká moderní frankfurtská Commerzbank Arena a dalších natěšených 50.000 fanoušků.
Arena se plní fanoušky, viz webcam 2
- In Chains
In chains start messed
- Wrong
- Hole To Feed
- Walking In My Shoes
- It's No Good
Same mistake in ING.. Too early Dave.. He said "not my mistake" and they laughed
- A Question Of Time
- Precious
- Fly On The Windscreen
- Jezebel
- A Question Of Lust
- Come Back
- Peace
- In Your Room
- I Feel You
- Policy Of Truth
Enjoy The Silence
Never Let Me Down Again
Encore #1
Master And Servant
Encore #2
Personal Jesus
Waiting For The Night (Bare Version)
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Názory Devotees (53)