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V sobotňajšom (29.3.2003) vydaní švédskeho denníka Göteborgsposten bolo uverejnené rozsiahly rozhovor s Andym Fletcherom. Z rozhovoru, ktorý sa z väčšej časti točil okolo "Toast Hawaii" a projektu Client, sme vybrali snáď najpodstatnejšiu informáciu týkajúcu sa Depeche Mode.
Andy: "Začneme na konci jesene. Na november máme naplánované pracovné stretnutie, kde rozoberieme zopár vecí, vypočujeme si nový materiál a porozprávame sa. Ak pôjde všetko podla plánu, po Novom roku začneme s nahrávaním albumu. Dovtedy však z mojej strany zaberú všetok čas Client."
Anglický preklad celého rozhovoru s Andym:
"New Projects Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode starts record company and launches the secret electro duo Client.
While the bandmates are making solo albums, Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode starts a record company named after his own mythic solo album, Toast Hawaii." Tonight his first signed act, Client, plays at SAMA [Swedish Alternative Music Awards">.
Any Fletcher is known as "the non-musical" member of Depeche Mode, he who's in just to keep the others together. And even if it isn't completely accurate, Fletch agrees that he realizes his limitations. Martin Gore and Dave Gahan, his bandmates, are both releasing solo albums this spring, but it doesn't appeal to him.
"And even if it would, I wouldn't have made it, there's my limit," he says.
Instead, he started the label Toast Hawaii, and behind that name is a funny story. One in Depeche-circles mythical. Andy Fletcher has in fact made a solo album called Toast Hawaii, but noone has really known if it is for real. Now we know the answer:
"Oh yes, it exists, even though I've been hoping it disappeared- But it turned out that Martin found the recording in his apartment when he moved, and now he's terrorizing me with it. The songs were recorded when we were really bored in the Hansa Studio in Germany during the 80's. I'm singing rock standards, Dave plays the drums, Alan the piano and Martin guitar. Extremely bad, and nothing that you'll ever hear, I'm going to burn those tapes," laughs Andy.
First out on the label is instear the electro duo Client, two girls Andy got contact with during a tour. In April, their debut signel, The Price of Love, will be released, and tonight Client plays for the first time ever at the SAMA festival. And there are rumours that Andy will join them on-stage.
"We'll see, I'm thinking about playing the bass, but it's possible that I'll be in the background now during the beginning. But I'll play some records, a lot of old synth hits and obscure Depeche remixes."
He says he doesn't know much about SAMA, apart from that it's a big synth-festival and is happy when we tell him that it's been sold out for a long time. Simply a good opportunity for a first concert.
All and all, Toast Hawaii and Client are doing good, the British papers have been positive to the band from the start, and now that the first single is being released, Fletch feels an expectation he hasn't felt since 1981.
"In a way, it's like going back in time till the first Depeche single. We're doing this small scale, doing everything by ourselves and have no real expectations of taking the world. A nice contrast to Depeche where everything we do tend to become gigantic projects," he says.
Still he's careful to point out that he's absolutely not tired of being a famous rock star in one of the world's biggest bands.
"It's the best job in the world," he says, and It's because of Depeche that he's been able to start the Toast Hawaii project.
"Since everything about Depeche is so big, everything takes such a long time, even the breaks between albums and tours. Especially this time, when both Martin and Dave are making solo albums. Now is the best time for me to start my label, something I've been thinking about for years but has never happened. Now I've got time, at least until November," he says.
What about November? you ask. What happens then? Well, to the great joy of all Depeche Mode fans Andy informs us that he, Martin and Dave then will get together to start plan the recording of the new record. A recording that prior to Fletcher's revelation here has been insecure, among other things because of Martin Gore's vague statements whether there's ever going to come more from Depeche.
"Sure there is, we're starting late this fall. We'll meet in November to check things out, listen to some songs and talk. If everything's all right, we'll start recording the new album right after New Year's. By that time Client will have to be on their own."
Reporter: Daniel Claeson.
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